What is a good logo and a bad logo?
Establishing company's logo is one of the most critical tasks. Your logo will be pervasive throughout all of your marketing campaigns, and it's one of the most prominent branding elements that people will think of when someone mentions your company. Your brand's logo should be memorable, versatile, and consistent, while giving your audience a sense of what your brand is all about. Unfortunately, many companies haven't exactly done a great job of keeping those goals in mind when establishing their logo, learning the hard way what it takes to create a positive brand experience through their logo.
Marketers say that one of the most important marketing tools is a good logo design. It not only provides an easy to recognize identity for your business but also communicates who you are. That’s why every company considering creating or buying a logo design should know the criteria that make for an effective logo.
The first feature of a good and effective logo is that it can immediately “grab” viewer’s attention. Your logo should have an immediate impact and hold the viewer’s attention.There are many reasons that explain why a company would redesign its logo. Some reasons are compulsory, such as when there’s a corporate merger or when a company expands its business activities. In such cases, a new logo is a must to reflect that change. On the other hand, a logo redesign may be voluntary, like when a company feels the need to refresh, rebrand or re position its image; or maybe if they seek to appeal to new kinds of customers.
A logo has a mission – an important one – which is to help a company build their business identity, image and brand. Therefore, a good logo should communicate. Indeed, it has to “tell” the target market at a glance what the company wants them to know or feel.
For these reasons, redesigning a logo isn’t as easy as it may seem. As we’ll see, newer isn’t always better!

There are four principles that make for a great logo design. A great logo must:
• follow solid basic design principles
• be functional
• represent the company
• be unique
Example of a good and a bad logo
amrita Kumari ( BBA, MBA)
Junior HR Executive
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