Every successful blogger understands the importance of adding images and videos to blog posts to make it attractive. No matter if the blog post is about blogging tips tutorials or any review article. I think to add images to the blog post is necessary because an Image in a post speaks thousand words.
As you know most of the readers don’t like to read long pages of article which is looking too odd, most of the readers will straight away close and leave the page when they see a long page. But when the article is colorful with images or videos which will define itself, it will make a first impression for the readers when they
first open the page. So they curiously read it completely. And videos make it easy to understand for those who didn't understand the article.
Adding images and videos to your post will expose your site to outer world and your site will get huge traffic from Image search engines and YouTube, and it also makes a wonderful user experience and make it easier for them to understand. This makes them a permanent visitor to your site.

Few reasons why :
- Makes a first impression
- Presentation
- Traffic from Image Search Engines and YouTube.
- Make the post look lengthier and informative.
- Better explanation
- Recommended for reading
- 37% of web users said they would give more attention to a search result where an image is attached.
- 63% of web users say they place more importance on an image than they do a product description.
- Facebook users are the twice as likely to interact with an image-led post than they are a static link.
amrita Kumari ( BBA, MBA)
Junior HR Executive
On Line Assistence :
Gtalk : amrita.aerosoft@gmail.com
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MSN : amrita.aerosoft@hotmail.com
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