Difference between B2B and B2C portals?

The major difference between B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Customer) in internet terms is the role of the B2B website. B2B concerns itself primarily with supply chain management. These are portals that allow businesses to deal directly with their suppliers and distributors online. Allowing electronic transfer of orders, invoicing and even payments. Wholesalers, distributors and manufacturers fall in this category.
B2B means business to business,what is done here is :
1. Transaction between business people to business people
2. Electronic information interchange is used
3. E-commerce is done with high investment
4. Products are sold or purchased in bulk
5. Heavy transaction takes place
Whereas in business to consumer these things are done :
1. Transaction from business to consumer
2. Consumer purchases the products.
3. Investment depends on the type of purchase
4. Products are purchased in bulk depending on the consumer
5. These e - commerce runs because of the consumer.
A B2B site deals primarily with other businesses, not the general public, a B2C site sells directly to the end user. B2B sites normally handle a lot more than just sales of products, they are a portal to conduct business transactions.
amrita Kumari ( BBA, MBA)
Junior HR Executive
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