Many people who write blogs today simply want to share their opinion on something. But then there are the business-minded folks, who have found a way to use blogs, or Weblogs, to bring in a little extra cash too.
A blog is short for “weblog”. Basically, it is just a website that has entries listed in reverse chronological order. The original idea behind it was to be a online journal or diary that was updated daily (or as frequently as the writer chose). Over the last decade many software programs and blogging platforms have been created to make the process very easy.
As the blog writer, depending on which platform you use, you can just type your entry, press submit and it shows up on your blog for the world to see. Most bloggers don’t know any programming languages and are not “techies.”

Starting a blog is one of the easiest ways out there to start a website. Is it easy to start a blog?It is very easy. Even if there are steps along the way that are confusing, there are plenty of resources to get the help you need. There are over 20 million blogs in existence, so it can’t be that difficult.
Blog has to meet the following requirements:
- Be at least three months old.
- Must contain original content.
- Must maintain regular content along with the paid posts.
Next step is to register your blog with Sponsored Reviews, get your free account here..
When you register your blog:
- Make the title work for you.
- Include your category and descriptive terms.
- Use the description to sell you and your blog.
- Highlight key points.
- Link to your best paid posts.
- Brag about your readership.
- Show off your writing skills.
Once your blog is approved, you can start searching for opportunities to make money blogging.
Five strategies that could turn your blog into a moneymaker.
1. Sell advertising.
2. Help sell others' products.
3. Solicit contributions.
4. Market your services in your blog.
5. Use a blog to deepen your existing customer relations.
amrita Kumari ( BBA, MBA)
Junior HR Executive
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